The Furnace Man logo. A man with a toolbox, ready to work.

CA C-20 License #721597

1596 Granger Way

Redwood City, CA 94061

(650) 341-0926

(415) 333-4328

(650) 365-3030

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Energy Efficiency


The average lifetime of a furnace is 15 years. If you have an older furnace, it has no greater than 50-65% efficiency of the gas burner, which means that each and every month you operate it, you are throwing money away to your utility company. Older furnaces are more prone to repairs even with regular maintenance. An old furnace is not a smart choice in this economy.


Newer equipment is more efficient, cleaner, quieter, and will lower your utility bills. New furnaces help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Energy efficient equipment saves money while you help to save the environment.


Contact us for a free estimate for a new furnace or air conditoner.

Furnace Efficiency Ratings: What are they?

When Should You Replace Your Furnace?

Energy Guide: The black and yellow label developed by the Federal Trade Commission helps you determine how energy efficient an appliance is and how that appliance will affect your utility bill.


Energy Star:  A designation that goes to the most energy efficient appliances in each class.  Meets or exceeds federal energy-use guidelines.


Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE): A percentage expressing how much gas, oil or other energy source is converted into heat: say 80%, or 90%, 97%.  Most modern furnaces have an AFUE ranging between 80%, and 98% which means that 2% (in the 98% furnaces) to 20% of the heat is lost through the flue.  Many older furnaces have an AFUE of 65% or less.

From the PG&E Website:

“If the furnace in your home is more than 15 years old, it’s time to consider replacing it.  Old furnaces, including forced air, wall, room and floor furnaces, can have energy wasting standing pilot lights.”


From the Website:

When is it time to replace?  When “your furnace or boiler is more than 15 years old.“


Questions about our website or our company? Contact us via email or call us at (650) 341-0926 or (415) 333-4328.