The Furnace Man logo. A man with a toolbox, ready to work.

CA C-20 License #721597

1596 Granger Way

Redwood City, CA 94061

(650) 341-0926

(415) 333-4328

(650) 365-3030

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Specials and Promotions


Free Estimates for Furnace and Air Conditioner Installation

Need to replace that old furnace that's running up the utility bill? Want to add air conditioning to your home? We offer free estimates for new furnaces and air conditioners.



Rebate Information


Energy Efficient Rebates and Tax Credits

Some cities and utilities offer rebates for customers who upgrade to energy efficient equipment. This can help offset some of the cost of upgrading your furnace or air conditioner. You can also receive a tax credit for upgrading your old furnace to a newer energy efficient model.


Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency

Special Offers and Rebates from ENERGY STAR Partners

City of Palo Alto Rebate information

PG&E Rebate information


Upgrade your furnace to a new energy efficient model and start saving money on your energy bill today! Read some of our information about the Benefits of Energy Efficient Equipment.


Questions about our website or our company? Contact us via email or call us at (650) 341-0926 or (415) 333-4328.